With all the craziness going around pegasus. Let us have a quick look about it.

What is Pegasus Software?

It is basically a spyware which can secretly be installed on a smartphones(apple or android) by exploiting a Zero day vulnerabilities. The installed software can later spy on the files, mic, camera basically the whole phone can be under the control of pegasus completely in stealth mode.

Who uses Pegasus?

It is used officially only by many law enforcements and intelligence agencies vetted by the government.
As per pegasus claims "It only sells to government and no private organization"

Why was is it developed?

NSO says their "mission of saving lives, helping governments around the world prevent terror attacks, break up pedophilia, sex, and drug-trafficking rings, locate missing and kidnapped children, locate survivors trapped under collapsed buildings, and protect airspace against disruptive penetration by dangerous drones"

When was it developed?

NSO group was formed in 2010. However spyware came to light in 2016

How is it legal and allowed?

Well, as per the claim of NSO, it is used for good intention and transparency is clear. They are responsive for the queries and tensions going around.

Some vulnerabilities the pegasus used to exploit are below

As of July2021, we know Pegasus does use other vulnerabilities to exploit which is not yet listed in CVEs.

What can cybersecurity industry learn from this?

There could be more such spyware which may be run by illegal groups. Let us keep up the good work and keep researching and finding out vulnerabilities to fix it sooner. We need to pace up a lot more than the criminals.

A side note to Cybersecurity professionals, What can we learn from this?

There could be more such spyware which may be run by illegal groups. Let us keep up the good work and keep researching and finding out vulnerabilities to fix it sooner. We need to pace up a lot more than the bad guys.

Those who came to read about the controversies and clarifications, let me not disappoint you and i do not want to comment on it as there are no direct facts to prove certain claims. Please go through the links below on your own time.

I know there are many questions of What, Why, When,Who, Where and How. Drop your comments for discussion!