
Android is am opensource mobile operating system. If you are here reading this then you would really know what is android and does not need introduction of android in detail. But what most dont kow compared to iOS android also strives to be the most secured mobile OS and the race continues with iOS in every release of the android version. Android incorporates industry-leading security features and works with developers and device implementers to keep the Android platform and ecosystem safe.

Some common android devices

Android is becoming increasingly popular with major device manufacturers and some of the devices apart from Phones and Tablets
  • Watches
  • Smart glasses
  • Home appliances
  • Cars
  • Home Automation Systems
  • Camera
  • Smart TVs
  • DECT Phones
  • Games Consoles
  • Mirrors
Android is on quite a ride as the list of possibilities keeps increasing every day

What are the common threats of android devices and iOS

Android devices are hugely popular which makes the developers build more apps for android. This also makes android devices the most targeted by the hackers.
The threats can be
  • Malwares and Spyware
  • Exploits to gain root access
  • Identity theft
  • Phishing in app
  • Smishing attacks
  • Supply chain compromise
  • Cryptominer
  • Click fraud advertising

Framework of Android

As a user of android device you will be most interested on Apps which is enduser touchpoint.
The two primary sources of apps are:
  • Preinstalled apps: Android includes a set of preinstalled apps including phone, email, calendar, web browser, and contacts. These function as user apps and they provide key device capabilities that can be accessed by other apps. Preinstalled apps may be part of the open source Android platform, or they may be developed by a device manufacturer for a specific device.
  • User-installed apps: Android provides an open development environment that supports any third-party app. Google Play offers users hundreds of thousands of apps.

What to do to secure your device?

  • Use Authentication to login: Biometric fingerprint or facial or Iris , your choice but use it.
  • Apps from Google Play only: Use only apps from Google Play. Android allows you to download and use third party apps which are not reviewed and licensed by google. If you are unsure about an app and you are trying to download it off the internet, then just avoid it if you do not know what you are doing.
  • Updates: The Android update service delivers new capabilities and security updates. Make sure your device have auto update enabled for your apps and devices.
  • Verify Apps: Warn or automatically block the installation of harmful apps, and continually scan apps on the device, warning about or removing harmful apps.
  • Review Permissions: Check the permissions you have provided to apps. If any app unnecessarily requires a permission then immediately be suspicious about it and remove teh permission.
  • Monitor Network Traffic: Check for unknown traffic your apps generate. How to check that either by android app monitor or you also use Glasswire( my personal favourite, Note: it is not sponsored🙂 )

A small tip for physical security, you can use Android Device Manager on web app and Android app to locate lost or stolen device.


No devices are fully secured and it is always a race between attackers and defender. At the best we can do is to take the necessary steps to protect our devices known to our knowledge and keep our data safe. Both Android and iOS are equally popular and we shall cover the iOS security on a different day. I hope this article would have given you a brief overview of android framework and how to be secured using Android device. You can find more information on android security page here if you are interested to go deep on it.